Our Sponsors

We are honored to acknowledge all of the businesses and organizations who help to make our Historical Society and Museum such a success.

The quality of our patrons is reflected in the quality of our museum.

Please patronize these businesses and be sure to thank them!

Platinum Star

Exhibit Sponsors

R-Ranch in the SequoiasPack Station
John & Linda of KernvilleAerial Photograph

Gold Star

Exhibit Sponsors

Sierra SouthMovie Room
The Peak FamilyWalker Exhibit
Gilbert & TeresaMap Room
The Mother LodeMining Display
Kern River DentalLadies Dresses
The Kern River HouseNuui Cunni
Friends of Bob PowersMayflower Cabin
Ron & Dianna AndersonPeterson Stage
Rita D’Angelo Real EstateGun Case
Kern River Brewing CompanyRecreation Wall
Don & Lois Chapman and FamilyRanch Wagon
California Laureate Iota Omega ChapterNatural History
Lake Isabella and Builder’s Mart True ValuePre-History Room

Silver Star

Exhibit Sponsors

Roy FluhartTubatulabal Exhibit
L&M LumberGeneral Store
Rankin RanchRanching & Farming
Tom & Sue McKinneySCE Display
Pete & Cassie WingenderArt Wall
Martin, Linda, and Aleks OrroAssay Office
St. Sherrian Episcopal ChurchHousehold Exhibit
Kellee Scott Insurance AgencyCowboy Wall
Karrie Bunting, Attorney at Law Cattle Brands/Road Signs
Rotary Club of Kern River ValleyChinese Display
Harry P. Thal Insurance AgencyFremont & Explorers
Jerry’s Commercial RefrigerationForest Service Display
Bodfish Volunteer Fire DepartmentFire Hose Trolly
Descendants of Ella Parker Merriam SmithElla Smith Display

Head over to our Sponsorship Page.